What: 2013 Central Oklahoma MOPAR Assocation 30th Annual Show and Shine Car Show
When: Saturday, June 15th, 2013 9 AM-3 PM
Where: Midwest City, OK--Joe B. Barnes Park
How Much: $25 judged, $25 vendor space
Awards: Awards, Goody Bags, Door Prizzes...$250 cash prize to a lucky, registered participant
Web Site for More Info:
http://okcmopars.org/ Come on out and see the best in Mopars from around the area as one of the oldest Mopar clubs in the US presents its' 30th Anniversary car show.
Drew sent me a flyer on the big COMA show coming up...I basically just transcribed it for you and filtered it into the usual format. Drew has attended several CICs (Roadrunner horn on 3rd Gen Charger)...
Big issue here is the date...both OKC and ABQ shows are going down on the same day...The good news is you can take your pick whether you go east or west, which just might save you from storms etc.