I was there as well. Blcd74 and I had a great time, but both expected a lot more of a turnout from the late model crowd for what the event is alleged to be...If I had driven out in the Mopar 10 and jdr2483 followed I am not so sure we would not have been the largest Challenger "group" there
I had a great time and saw some over the top cars, but honestly if not for the old-school Mopars this show would have bombed. The late model guys that can literally do like blcd74 and I did, but with a much shorter travel time, were basically non-existent.
I was amped up to see the SoCal Challengers and what the desert SW had to offer in terms of Challenger mods etc...Heck, I planned to start a Mopar 10 mailing list after meeting other owners...too bad none were there!
For all you see on the net about California being the hub for all things car culture I personally call BS and stick to my claim. You have the 3rd best Mopar show, easily in the best location, and you can't get more than 20 LATE MODEL CHALLENGERS? That is pretty messed up. Even if you hate drag racing, have no interest in a swap meet, conversing with vendors, or seeing the cars that made your late model have the legacy it does you blew it. I would think cruising with your buddies to a great photo-op and seeing other late model Challengers that drove in would be plenty of incentive. Unless there is a really good reason for the MIA Challys it is a true disappointment.
I figured I would be coming back with an endless wish list of parts from various Challengers, instead I am more focused on archiving Charger and Dart pictures. If AAM claimed to be the best and biggest Mopar club on the continent and we had a show within a stone's throw of home and turned out with 1 or 2 cars I figure we would get laughed at, and deservingly so...
For everyone in the LC and LX late model scene out west, thanks for nothing guys...you've got overdrive, a top notch cooling system, a car loaded with creature comforts, and you get 25 mpg. I guess the open roads and an hour or two are just too much to handle.
I saw teenage kids caravan in old Chargers and Darts and met guys from Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico who DROVE their old Mopars all that way.
What I have seen in Texas is every bit as nice as what we saw out west. I would love to make MATS again in the future, but it will be to enjoy the A, B, and E bodies that have survived the test of time, we will no better than to bank on a large turnout of Modern Mopars.
Many thanks to the great folks we met and those who drove their cars out and are passionate about the hobby. For everyone that just took the car for coffee out west, I hope the folks at starbucks like your cold air, cat back exhaust, upgraded stereo, custom paint, big brakes, and piles of billet...not sure anyone else will ever get to see the cars.
Btw, the Canadians made long drives down with some over the top modified Mopars...Gotta give credit where credit is due! We did meet 2 nice guys from Cali in late models, but we figured each would have had 49 friends tagging along. The old school cars really made the show!