I've said it before and I'll say it again...one of the biggest goals for this registry is to simply help facilitate meet-ups between Mopar 10 Owners.
Our big, ALL MOPAR show around here is Chryslers in the Canyon held Saturday, October 15th, 2011 in scenic Palo Duro Canyon (just southeast of Amarillo, Texas).
I will be there with my Mopar 10 and we have another guy in town with a red-striped Mopar 10. As you know, it is very rare to see a Mopar 10, let alone two at the same time. I know both of us would love to have a silver striped Mopar 10 show up for some once-in-a-lifetime pictures (we'll have a pro-photographer on hand btw). And if you just happen to have a silver striped Mopar 10 I am pretty sure you'd like to be in the mix as well...All 3 in the same place, at the same time is quite the accomplishment. As best I know it has only been pulled off once (Mopar NATS this year).
I was in Las Vegas for MATS back in March and there were ZERO Mopar 10s on site...That should tell you something.
If you are within a reasonable distance from Amarillo I think this is a no-brainer. We have super cheap hotels set-up, the APD monitoring the parking lot, and I know you'll have a good time as there are currently 30+ late model Challengers slated to attend.
If being with the two other Mopar 10s is not enough, I'll even get your dinner or throw in a t-shirt etc.
I'd love to have this exact scenario play out across the country...It might involve a drive, but it is worth it in the end...eventually we can shoot for some regional meets and then maybe even a national one